Poverty is very noticeable today, and the Bible has something to say about that. Proverbs says that people who are lazy, or people who are quick to anger and are very harsh, may end up in poverty. However, that doesn’t mean that those in poverty are bad people...
Prayer is an important part of our relationship with God. No matter what, God is listening and paying attention, and our prayer acknowledges that. In any situation, we can talk to God. Whether we want to praise Him, thank Him, or ask for help, we know that God is...
Angels are spiritual beings that God created to serve Him. They carry out tasks, follow God’s orders, and enjoy the work they do for the Lord. There are multiple types of angels in the Bible, such as cherubim, archangels, seraphim, etc. They have unique jobs,...
Since the fall of mankind, everyone has had to face death. Death is something many humans grieve and dread. It is the cessation of the phyiscal body, and continuation of the spirit. After the physical body is gone, many of us grieve the person who has...
Being “born again” is being a Christian who has accepted Jesus Christ as his savior, and repented of his sins. It is only through the mercy of God, and the acceptance of his will on our lives that we can truly claim to be born again. To many...
Encouraging people is a great way to strengthen others. Iron sharpens iron, which means that when Christians get together, they encourage one another and make each other stronger. Seek fellowship with other Christians, and stay positive and encourage each other. Paul...
Everyone has times of adveristy and calamity. Times of trouble can stir up fear and strife in everyone’s lives. However, times of trouble always have a reason. It’s not always necessarily that you’ve sinned, but it could be a test to strengthen you...
Romans 10:9 KJV: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 11:11 KJV: “I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather...
We all get angry sometimes. It’s how we deal with our anger that makes the difference. Some hide their anger or keep it to themselves, others let it out all the times, while others let it out every now and then. It is not bad to get angry, but it is bad to lose...
Gossip and slander are things unbecoming of a follower of Christ. Gossip is always against the will of the Lord. The Lord commands us not to lie about others, and also not to discourage others. Gossip is neither truthful or encouraging. We should watch our mouth, and...
God’s will is probably the most important thing to understand in the Bible, yet it is addressed too little. God’s will is always what is best for us. He wants us to come to know Him, and to be His obedient children. That is His overall will for Christians,...
Truth is a big topic in the Bible. Being honest is always the best policy, and the Bible conveys that everywhere. It is said in the book of John that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. If He is the truth, then He wants all of His children to know truth and...
Adultery, in any form, is a sin against God, the Bible, and your spouse (or future spouse). Lust and adultery are equivalent, as Jesus said that whoever lusts after a woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Paul commands us to avoid lust and...
There are three major types of fears mentioned in the Bible. First of all, is the fear of the Lord. We are to fear God, in the sense that we are to acknowledge that he is our creator and master. We aren’t to question his judgement, word, or anything else. We...
Envy, jealousy, and coveting are all the same idea. They are all the wrongful feeling of wishing ill on someone else because they have belongings or advantages that you wish you had. They are all ungrateful, and they are all sins. Coveting is in the same category as...
The Holy Spirit is the part of the Trinity that takes place in all Christians. The Trinity consists of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost). When Jesus left His disciples, He promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to guide the...
Lying is a sin, not just against God but also against the person that you are lying to. When we lie, we cause pain to God, and damage our relationship with him. In addition to that, we also harm ourselves when we push God further from ourselves. Verses about lying:...
Worship is a way for Christians to show God our appreciation for Him, and it is a way to thank Him for His grace and for the gift of salvation that He has given to us. Whether we pray, sing, or praise God, it is important for us Christians to worship Him. Worshipping...
Sanctification is the action of being made holy. As sinful humans, we aren’t holy, and we can’t sanctify ourselves. By ourselves, we are evil and unholy, but when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, and follow him, we can be sanctified. When we are saved, we are a...
Salvation is the event of a person getting saved by accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. When you accept salvation, you get to be sure that you will be in heaven with God someday. We all hope in salvation, to be saved from evil and from eternal punishment. Since we...
Righteousness is probably the most notable and most important quality of a person that is mentioned in the Bible. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, from Genesis, to Psalms and Proverbs, to the Gospels and Apostles’ Letters, righteousness is stressed very much....
Not a ton is known about heaven, but we do know that it is the dwelling place of the Lord and his angels. We also know that all Christians who die will come to heaven with Jesus. All of the specific information such as its size, looks, and characteristics can be found...
Discernment is a major concern that many of us Christians have problems with. It is also known as understanding. Though we have the Holy Spirit once we are saved, we find it hard to know right from wrong and struggle with what’s right to do. Many people don’t listen...
Grace is a gift given to us by God. God’s grace and love for us is what saves us from our own sins and salvation. His mercy to us, despite our own sins, is the reason we can have faith that Jesus Christ’s death pays for our sins. Give thanks to God for his...
Being faithful to God, to the Bible, and to his commands are important pillars of Christian life. Faithfulness leads us to a closer relationship with Christ, it helps prevent us from sinning, and is one of the fruits of the Spirit. As we grow closer to God, and do his...
If we are to become a Christian and live a Christian life, we must confess our sins to Jesus, and repent of them! Repentance involves turning away from our sins and striving not to do them again. Repentance is an ongoing spiritual process where we must continually ask...
Forgiveness is perhaps the most essential part of Christian life. We must regularly ask God to forgive us of our sins, and we must forgive others of theirs. When God forgives, he puts our sins as far as the east is from the west. While we may not be as capable, we...
Wisdom is mentioned all throughout the Bible. Wisdom allows us to discern what to do in different situations. It is also a gift from the Lord. Wisdom is a vital aspect of any life, and is especially vital in Christian life. Proverbs 14:15 – “The simple...
Gentleness is a key attribute of any Christian, as well as a fruit of the Spirit. Being gentle, and having gentleness, allows us to become more like Christ, and prevents us from making enemies. Gentleness is also commanded of us by God. Jesus tells us to turn the...
Faith is what leads us through our life as Christians, as we can’t see God, but have faith to see what He does. Our faith also reflects what we read and hear from the Bible. Before people lived by faith, laws kept them bound under certain rules. We are freed by our...
Hope is a subject covered many times in the Bible, in a variety of ways. As Christians, Jesus is our hope, and the reason why we can persevere through tough circumstances. Through prayer, and application of the Bible, our hope can be fulfilled. Hope is one of the most...
Showing your thankfulness is one of the top way to show your joy and faith in Jesus Christ. In all sorts of situations in life, you can still be gracious. Focus on the positive things in your life, and dwell on all of God’s blessings, promises, and covenants, and you...
Having self-control is one of the best ways to show others that you are a Christian and to open the door to talking to them about salvation. It is one of the most important fruits of the Spirit, as it protects people from making mistakes they will regret. Being...
Peace is the third fruit of the spirit mentioned in the Bible. It is very important to have this as a Christian so that we can make it through the worst times in our life. Like joy, true peace can only be established through a relationship with God. Paul stated this...
Patience is a key attribute of any person. The Bible states that patience is a fruit of the spirit, and therefore is attained as one gets closer and closer to the Lord, and does his will. Patience allows us to deal with the less favorable parts of lives, and it also...
Joy and gladness are God-given fruits of the spirit. We receive joy and gladness whenever we accept Jesus Christ as our savior and Lord. He promises us more joy as we grow closer to him, and when we do his will. One will only have true joy doing the will of God. Here...
God is love. God loves each and every one of us, as we are his children. He also instructs each of us to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are to treat strangers as though they are our relatives, and to be kind to everyone. By showing our love to others, we are...
When you feel sad, depressed or frustrated by the bad things that happen in life, where can you go for help? There is hope! The Bible offers real answers to tough questions about the difficulties we face in our lives. >> View / Download the “Hope For Tough...